C'mon! Get Happy!

>> Sunday, February 28, 2010

I've been reading Gretchen Rubin's blog for some time now, and I finally received my copy of The Happiness Project last week.  I'm so excited to get started on this project!

If you're not familiar with The Happiness Project, Gretchen spent a year studying the many paths to happiness.  She settled on 12 areas that she would like to improve in her life in order to achieve happiness and focused on a different area each month.  She set specific resolutions for every month, the idea being that once one month's goals are mastered, you're ready for the next set.

Following along with the book, I've set my 12 Personal Commandments.  A couple of these are adapted from Gretchen's list, some borrowed from others participating on the website and some wholly my own:
  1. Be Ginny.
  2. Act the way I want to feel.
  3. Do what ought to be done.
  4. There is only love.
  5. The law of Karma is real.
  6. Be present in the moment (pay attention!).
  7. You can't unring a bell.
  8. You are living a healthy lifestyle NOW (not starting on Monday).
  9. Be grateful everyday.
  10. Celebrate family and friends.
  11. Good enough is good enough.
  12. Say "Yes" to what matters. Say "No" to what doesn't.
I've also got my first month of resolutions ready to go.  March's focus is on Energy and Vitality; without these, I won't be prepared to take on the next 11 months.  I practiced a few of these resolutions last week (getting up early to exercise, tidying up every evening) and feel like I'm ready to start the journey.

Also borrowed from Gretchen, I listed my March resolutions in a table and will be checking off my progress each day.  If you'd like to join in, I'm happy to share my Resolutions template with you:
March Resolutions

Energy and Vitality, here I come!


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